Tuesday was CR's 27th birthday! I know, I know I am a little behind in posting - sorry! Unfortunately CR was on call Tuesday, which means he went in at 6am on Tuesday and had to stay at the hospital until noon on Wednesday. Thankfully he was on call with 3 of his peers so Tuesday night, almost all of his "classmates" (1st year residents) got together for dinner of pizza, buffalo chicken cheese dip, popcorn, sunchips, fruit, vegetables, and made from scratch chocolate chip cookie dough cheesecake!! We even sang Happy Birthday! We have amazing friends!
This is one of the few pictures I took that night, but this little sweetie is Madeline, the daughter of Mike and Soobin. Her dad is also a 1st year resident. They got CR some Under Armour pants that look amazingly comfortable!

Wednesday morning CR skipped out a little early and got home around 9. We immediately opened gifts from my mom and me. CR isn't big on attention and he's especially not a gift guy but he seemed to really enjoy what he got.
CR decided he wanted to open one gift on Monday night so he opened the one his parents sent from West Virginia. Ty definitely wanted in on the excitement:

A Georgetown College Shirt made of what? Under Armour! Thanks Momma Pot!!

My gifts to my husband, candy, Season 1 of Big Bang, and a picture frame I painted for his desk:

Although blurry, that card says Lunch = Qdoba (don't ask about the face, I'm just the photographer)

After sleeping for maybe an hour or so we headed about 30 minutes North to eat at Qdoba. CR was upset when we first moved here to find out there were no Qdoba's close by (similar to my sadness about no Sonic or Chick Fil A). One day while eating at the Pancake House with a friend I saw one! It was seriously like passing the White House or something to that grandeur because CR likes it that much! So for his birthday lunch celebration I knew we would come back and eat chicken nachos :)
After lunch we went to see The Town, Ben Affleck's new movie. We both really enjoyed it!! After the movie we came back home and loaded Ty up in the car for a trip to the dog park. He is becoming less and less social when there is a ball present. Fetch is his absolute favorite game and it could ensue for hours if our arms had the strength! We usually don't even take a tennis ball anymore, but he ALWAYS finds one at the park somehow.
After the dog park we went to the grocery store to buy steaks for dinner! As part of his birthday gift, CR's parents sent us money to go to a nice dinner - thanks Mr. and Mrs. R! CR decided he would rather have steaks cooked on the grill at home, so we did! We also did macaroni and cheese with salad, yum! We ended the night watching The Big Bang Theory, (thanks Mom for Season 2)!!

Thanks to all who participated in CR's birthday near and far! We love and miss you all tons!