Friday, June 3, 2011

Graduation Day

Happy Graduation from R1 (or intern) to R2, CR!! I am incredibly proud of you and excited for you. Your hard work each and every day is paying off. I love hearing how much you are learning and how many lives you are touching each day. I am honored to be your wife and hope you always know how much I love you :)

Congrats also to Hunter, Tyler, Mike, and Brian - We could not have asked for a better group of friends to spend these three years with!

At home getting ready. It was super hard keeping Ty off this spiffy suit (a.k.a. ASU's).
The boys with the babes - CR, Brian, Hunter (with Cormac), Tyler (with Joshua), and Mike (with Madeline)
CR and Tyler
The wives - Me, Morgan, Soobin (can you believe these two just had babies 7 weeks ago??)
Mount Rainier was visible today and gorgeous!!